Members First.

Local 2D fights to ensure the highest industry standards for you and your coworkers.


Local 2D Members work together and stand with one another to improve our lives and the lives of our coworkers. In unity there is strength.


Members of Local 2D know they are in good company and they stand together. There is strength in numbers.


All workers deserve fair wages, affordable benefits, and good working conditions. All of these become possible when you stand together.

Welcome Brothers and Sisters of Local 2D!

In an ongoing effort to bring you the best possible service, Local 2D has created this website as a tool for all our members to use. You will be able to access important information and get answers to Frequently Asked Questions. From mobilizing our members during a strike, to executing a political campaign against detrimental legislation, this website will be your source for information

Who We Represent

Local 2D fights to ensure the highest industry standards for you and your coworkers.

Know Your

Employees’ right to request their representatives are frequently referred to as “Weingarten rights.”

Member Benefits and Discounts

As a member of our UFCW family you are eligible for a number of exclusive discount programs.



Organizing Victories Always fighting for Employee Rights

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